Architecture: Changing of the landscape

Two of the cities most icon buildings are being demolished, love them or hate them the Natwest Bank’s old head quarters on Colmore Row that has stood empty for twelve years and Birmingham’s third Central Library which opened in January 1974 by Rt Hon Harold Wilson MP and Paradise Circus are concrete structures that were designed by the renowned local architect John Madin.
The textured, rough finish, strong, bold and un-usual designs that were massive in size and made a statement will be no more. I remember as a child being took out by my primary teacher with paper and coloured crayons in the art lesson to capture the textures and tones of the local buildings and would run my fingers over the surface and feel the cold bumps and contours of the 1960’s structures. A change in the landscape and history to make way for more modern buildings and facilities to accommodate the business sector in the city. A sad day for architect lovers as they stood as works of art for some and eye sores to others, the regions development and progression now says goodbye to monumental buildings of character.
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